Legal ADDA

Provident Fund (PF) Registration Consultant

Are you searching for Employer (Company) Provident Fund Registration? Legal Adda is Nearest Consultant for PF Registration in Ahmedabad.

We are India’s Best Labour Law Consultant Providing EPF Registration Services.

Compulsory EPF Registration Required once a total number of employee increase to 20.

Monthly Return Filing of PF deduction and Payment mandatory.

Are you Interested in PF Registration? Get Within 30 Mins.

Provident Fund (EPF) Registration Consultant in Ahmedabad

Are you looking for a Provident Fund (PF) Registration Consultant? Legal ADDA Provides Best Consultant for PF Registration in Ahmedabad, India. Our Employer Provident Fund – EPF Registration Service Includes Establishment Registration, PF Code Application, Employee UAN Generating, Provident Fund Return and Payment. EPF Registration is Mandatory if Company / Factory Employee Strength Increase to more than 20. However, Even Voluntary Registration available if Employee strength is less than 20. Provident Fund is Fund for Retirement Benefits/Savings. Employee Contribute 12% from their Salary towards EPF and Same Amount Contributed by Employer towards Employee EPF Benefit. Balance of EPF is available for withdrawal in case of emergency.

Provident Fund Registration is Mandatory in following situation

What are the Documents required for Employer PF Registration?

PF Registration Consultant Near to you in Ahmedabad

PF Registration - Get Quotation

PF Registration | Get Your PF Registration in 30 Mins

Step 1
Send us Doc's
Send us required documents via Email or WhatsApp

Firstly, Connect with our PF Registration manager, Send document as per check list.

Step 2
Filing PF Application
We will file PF Registration Application with Dept.
  • Once we received document from you, we will file application for registration of EPF Code.

30 Mins
Step 3
PF Code Number
You will get Instant PF Registration Code within 30 Mins.

After we completes the filing process, EPFO Department will issue PF Registration Certificate within 4 Hours